Abaca fact sheet . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2
Abaca Leaf Infected with Abaca Mosaic Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 8
Buri (buntal or raffia) fact sheet Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2002 2
Coir fact sheet A. Peralta,A. Valenzuela, P. Jabay, F. Josol, E. Abriol, r. De Vera Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 1
A. Peralta,A. Valenzuela, P. Jabay, F. Josol, E. Abriol, r. De Vera Comparative Fiber Statistics Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 28
Handbook on characteristics of selected fibers Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 25
Maguey fact sheet Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 1990 1
The Manila hemp (abaca) Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 6
Mobile Spindle Stripping Machine Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 1
Modified handstripping device for fiber extraction Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 21
Nature and control of bunchy – top disease Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 8
Philippine Abaca Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 25
Philippine Buri Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 12
Philippine Coir Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 12
The Philippine Handmade Paper Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 56
Philippine Maguey Industry Narceo B.Bajet,Lydia V.Magnaye Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 10
Narceo B.Bajet,Lydia V.Magnaye Philippine natural fibers Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 19
Philippine Pina Fiber Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 11
Philippine Salago Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2003 8
Philippine Silk Industry Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 2001 13
Pina fiber fact sheet Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 1990 1
Silk fact sheet Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 1
Techno Guide on Pest Control Fiber Industry Development Authority . Fiber Industry Development Authority 114
Virus Diseases of Banana and Abaca in the Philippines . 95